
Kayaks are Great for Exploring the Refuge.

To experience the best the Wildlife Refuge has to offer, you have to get shallow and you have to get close! Kayaks are stable, easy to use and are environmentally low impact.

Before we venture out, you’ll receive a tutorial on how to maneuver your kayak.

We typically kayak for an hour or more and you can bring water bottles from our cooler.

Discover many different Species of Fish, Birds and Plants.

Peer into the water to see what fish or invertebrates like to hang out in the protection of the mangrove roots. Gaze over the shallow flats at low tide to see the herons and wading birds, patiently working for their meals, or maybe you’ll get to see a horseshoe crab as it labors by.

The best part is, you never know what you’re going to see, and sometimes it’s more about the serenity of the surroundings than checking a list. The only thing we really know is that you’re going to love it.