About Us

Real Eco Tours, Designed by Biologists!

I want my family’s car designed by engineers, and I want my eco tours designed by biologists.

Our eco tours are fun and friendly, but the overall focus is on the wildlife experience. I say, dolphins are not widgets on a manufacturing line!

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Our Story

I’ve always loved science, especially biology, but I wasn’t the best student. To earn my BSc in Biology, I attended two colleges, then moved to Key West to work on boats, and finally finished at a third school! Despite my academic struggles, my passion for biology surpassed most of my peers, and my time in Key West played a huge role in that. After guiding eco tours in Key West, I felt like I could truly feel and understand the biology I had learned in text books. What was once black and white became vivid and colorful after guiding snorkeling, dolphin watching, and kayaking tours.

This experience that was so great for me, is what I strive to offer my guests. I want to try and provide the stage for the story of the wildlife to play out, so that you can get a sense of the awe of something as simple as a mangrove crab to an animal as impressive as a dolphin, and take that experience home with you.

Environmental Educators

Many of our crew have formal biology backgrounds, most of us have learned to screenprint tee shirts, and all of us are passionate about the wildlife and are here to share it with our guests.

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Boat Builders & Designers!

Based on years of hands on experience and using crayons and colored pencils captain Billy designed SQUID. He then hired MIT trained naval architect David Walworth to actually design and engineer her. So she’s safe, don’t worry.

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a SQUID Story

One of SQUID’s missions was to be the most environmentally friendly boats possible, and while she still is, she actually began her life as a the First US Coast Guard inspected Lithium Ion Electric boat in the United States of America.

While we are proud that we gave it the college try, unfortunately the propulsion was built by a German company called Torqeedo, and while the Germans still Love dolphins more than anyone, sadly they apparently are not quite the engineers they used to be! So after a 5 year struggle, we had to rip out the system and rebuild the boat to accept the the tried and true Yamaha motors. While not as glamorous, Reliability and safety are critical components of what we do for our guests, and the boat is now much better for our guests and our crew, our initial goals have been finally met!

Our Family

Honest Eco is a family Business and we are all involved. You will notice my Handsome daughter and Pretty son throughout these pages (don’t worry they are paid!) and my wife Jennifer is my partner in everything. We also have a Dog names Willa, she’s an Appalachian Potcake breed aka mutt.


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